It's been so long! Half a year or so. But I've returned. With a new blog layout and everything.
I don't think I'll be able to blog stuff everyday. But I'll try to keep you entertained. And to work on my art more. Sheesh!
I'm really thankful to everyone who posted here, to all my followers, to the people that wrote to me asking about the blog. You're all awesome and you're the ones that brought me back, basically.
I stopped updating because I had too many things on my hands at the same time. Currently, I'm only working on my thesis, and the blog will be one of the few things that (I hope) can keep me sane!
Soooo I'm taking requests! Ask me what do you want to see from me on the comments (currently powered by disqus, I think it's more friendly to the visitors whitout a blogger account). Also, I'm still taking commisions and the like. Don't be afraid to ask!
I know many of you wanted to know that ;)
Take care, and see you around!!